使用Powershell 发布报表
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As I promised last week in this blog post, the first chance I get , I would craft up another POC using PowerShell that takes care of deploying SSRS reports and data sources in bulk to SharePoint.Here you go:
You can download the script here and below are the steps to get this script to work:
1) Create a folder and throw the script there.
2) All right! now you need to compile the SSRS Porxy endpoint for SharePoint integrated mode (ReportService2006.asmx) and build the ReportService2006.dll. There are couple ways to do this (like this), but most likely the easiest way is by using Visual Studio command prompt.This is where wsdl.exe comes handy.Just as FYI, Wsdl.exe parses ReportService2006.asmx schema and its WSDL file and generates a .NET class (ReportService2006.cs). Since the schema of ReportService2006.asmx won’t change until the next version (I hope so!), you don’t need to repeat this step anymore. Open Visual Studio command prompt and type:
wsdl http://myserver/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2006.asmx ;
Now, invoke and point the C# compiler (csc.exe) to the generated class and create the DLL (in your active directory):
csc /t:library ReportService2006.cs
In the source code, this dll is used to communicate with the endpoint.
- If you don’t know what the hell I am talking about , I kindly ask you to read this post to know what I mean by SSRS proxy endpoint.Thanx!
- If you are lazy , you can download the dll right from here. I’ve already generated the dll.
3) Dump the ReportService2006.dll in the same folder as the script.
4) Throw all of your reports and data source in the same folder.
Actually, this Powershell script (unlike the feature approach) is not bound to one shared data source. I read the data souce from the rdl file, so as long as the data source is physically present in the same folder,script works just fine. Obviously , this is just another POC ;therefore it comes with no exception handling!
5) Open the PowerShell command line , browse to your folder and type in the following command:
DeploySSRSInteg.ps1 -targetRptLib “http://myserver/myrptlib” -targetDCL “http://myserver/myDCL” -sourceFolder “C:\SSRSDeployment ” -rsProxyEndpt “http://myserver/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2006.asmx”
6) Once you hit the enter , you should be able to see a traffic light popping into your screen (just kidding!). Here is the execution screenshot:
7) And here are all your data sources and reports deployed for you. PoSh rocks baby!
Reports are published & its data source is nicely referenced:
’8) As always, this is just a POC and by no means production ready , so use it at your own risk!